Tony Horton teaches how to create a thriving business and life.
The 5 Laws - Tony Horton
This program will help you become a better version of YOU.
Recorded at one of FourPercent entrepreneur events, Tony Horton – a wildly popular creator of the best-selling fitness series: P90X, P90X2, P90X3, and several others, shares his five laws that will help you: Be more physically fit, powerful, strong, have more joy and happiness throughout your day, week, and life.
Your business is a direct reflection of YOU. This program will give you practical ideas, strategies, and a roadmap for improving yourself, getting more energy, and ultimately taking your life and business to the next level.
It is good to get insider info as we entrepreneurs tend to be weak in this
Heck yeah Aaron, Tony is the man, with the plan! Peeee90X!
Tony's awesome!
Honesty, Patience, Listen, Tolerant, Selflessness, Authentic, Humble, Ethical, Kind, Open Minded
Get your note pad ready this is fantastic
We need big energy for big dreams
I never really connected how becoming the best at what you do in business also includes becoming your best (in health and exercise)too! Wow....I need to focus more on this as there isn't a business AND you....YOU ARE THE BUSINESS.... Great insight!!
I 🥰 this presentation. Exercise & eating right plays such a significant role in my life currently. Something I’ve been working on. “If you exercise on a regular basis & you eat fruits & vegetables, whole grains, lean protein s & healthy fats most of the time your brain chemistry is going to change, you’re going to feel better, you’r going to have more energy & enthusiasm for life & your going to have the life that you want …” ~ Tony Horton 🔥👊🏾 - truth.
Get ready for a transformative journey with Tony Horton! This program is all about enhancing your fitness, power, and happiness, aligning with your business success.